Pyconweb 2019

We gather together each year once in a conference as Backend Team of Hipo. In the conference meeting, We put our daily jobs one side and dedicate good amount of time for criticizing last year, planning next year and discussing backend trends.

This year, It happened in Münich 🥨🍻.


I liked these two talks most.

Daniele basically suggests preparing a documentation for 4 different perspectives. They are tutorials, how to guides, explanation and reference. We started following the approach for documenting our open source projects too.

I took one, two, three peek shots of his presenetation. There weren’t any recording. So, You missed it. However, He made How documentation works, and how to make it work for your project talk in Pycon 2017. The contents are almost same.

Fergal explained the structre which he build for Fieldguide. Key point was joining set of logs contextually way will save you. Setting and passing request_id with query paremeter to other services is first thing to do. Also, Do not afraid of saving logs to your database.

I think that this was one of the advanced talks of the conference. Due to this, It took a lot of attention. Apparently, Pyconweb should have more of them.

by Fergal's Pixel

Published: May 27, 2019