First Internship

I’ve just finished my first internship. In this post, I’d like to mention about what i did and I’ll give tips for having a good internship.


I was a backend intern in Hipolabs for 30 days. Hipo is a multi-disciplinary software agency. On the other hand, They are free and open software enthusiast. They provide place for Python Istanbul meetings. Also, Hipo supports projects like Django Rest Framework.

What i did?

I worked on a custom CMS project written in Django/Python. It is the biggest Django project i have ever seen and understand the source code. When i see project that big, I deeply understand why design-patterns are vital. Without these, It will be real mess!

  • Read Two Scoopes of Django book in free time and talk about it with mentors once a week. It is informative book for people already know how Django works basically.
  • API Documentation and Implementation. Django Rest Framework used.
  • Small Bug Fixing
  • Using Vagrant
  • Learn PEP8
  • Learn how to profiling

Tips for Having a Good Internship

Before the internship

  • Be comfortable with Git.
  • Develop a small project with ‘ll be using in the internship.

During the internship

  • Make many tests from different aspects of your new commit and be sure it works flawlessly. In the internship, There is no time target to reach. The main goal is doing the task perfectly. Also, My mentor said that spending little time on adding a new commit saves you spending longer time for debugging your commit written a year ago even you don’t remember. So right!
  • Stackoverflow, Django/Python Documentation and Google are your best friends. So, Firstly try to find the solution in these.
  • Don’t ask ambiguous question like “How to do this?”. First, try to do. If you can’t success, ask “What i missed in this solution?”
  • Go step by step.

Go step by step

  • Enjoy!

Miss my desk at Hipo already!

Published: Sep 19, 2016